DELCOF S.A. was founded in 1999, making use of a program of the Ministry of Development, created to establish business clusters. The Greek fruit canning industry became a pioneer in this effort and used this opportunity to create a horizontal network which, according to the terms defined by the law, acts in the interest of the whole industry. Today, it is the only network that has survived among those established in 1999, demonstrating the dynamic of both the industry and the company.

Main activities are the quality and certification of our products, the promotion of Greek canned fruits, highlighting the nutritional value and quality of canned fruits, addressing global trade barriers to our products, research and development of new products, the study of common problems and the promotion of solutions.

Brings together, some of the largest industries of canned fruit and juices which have a leading position in the global market focusing on canned peaches and a turnover exceeding 500 million euros.

With Central Macedonia on the epicenter, DELCOF S.A. members work daily to maintain high quality and safety of their products for the benefit of thousands of farmers - fruit producers in Greece.

Is a member of the Greek Canners Associations which in turn is a member of PROFEL (European Association of Fruits and Vegetables Processors).

The DELCOF S.A. has implemented and is implementing series of promotion and information measures, research programs and initiatives undertaken at national, European and international level with the main objective to be always the same: the processed products to maintain the same freshness and value with fresh ones.